Unshelved ~ What I Read in September 2019

Books are imagination put to pagination. The authors provide a plot while the readers provide the images. There is much to be learned from the wisdom of others and books provide a gateway for that information to be disseminated. While I have no research to back up this premise, it seems that people are reading less . . . regardless, we certainly are not reading as much as we should be. The current status of our culture necessitates that we should read more, read more discerningly, and read more diligently.

Having arrived home, I am thankful to have more opportunity to read. Because my reading has been defined for me much of this month, the books of my choosing have been on the lighter side. Yet, I hope this list will offer motivation to others. So here is a look at the books that were a part of my life this past month, and could be a part of yours (click on the title to learn more about the book):

I have no less than four more books on my nightstand already begun and am looking forward to the next month’s list of reading.

So what about you? If you could complete one book this month, which book would it be? What would you expect to get from that book that might create a positive impact? Perhaps this month is a good time to commit to reading fifteen minutes a day, perhaps to relax right before bedtime. You may be surprised at how much you can read over the course of the month.

Author: Robert Zink

Married and a father of three, The Lord has called Robert and his family to serve overseas in a church planting ministry. Additionally, God has graciously allowed Robert a platform to encourage His people through writing and speaking.